How I Manifested a Business That Brings Me Clients on Autopilot


5 years ago, my business was crumbling.

For quite some time already, I hadn’t been feeling the passion for my work. Every step forward felt like I was pushing against a massive, unconquerable mountain of resistance. I was holding on as if my life depended on it, desperate to try every last option I saw to fix what wasn’t working and finally achieve that big breakthrough I was waiting for. But: No amount of effort or “fixing” seemed to be enough.

Slowly but surely, I was running out of savings. I knew something needed to change.

Fast forward about half a year later: The breakthrough finally happened. It wasn’t what I had expected. But it was SO much better than anything I could have asked for. From that point forward, my calendar was filled with sales calls, I was consistently booked, and for the better part of the past 4 years, I’ve had a long waiting list of clients wanting to work with me—even when I wasn’t actively promoting my work.

So, what changed?

If you’re curious about what I did to take my business from failing to thriving and consistently manifest clients and money with ease, keep reading!

4 Things I Changed to Take My Business From Failing to Consistently Booked

1. I shifted my beliefs around how money comes to me.

For many years already, I had been doing a TON of mindset work around receiving money with more ease in my business. While I had celebrated some big, massive breakthroughs on my journey, my results had never been consistent. (Except in my very first business that I started when I left the corporate world.)

More often than not, when I signed a new client (or a few), I quickly felt burned out. I had hit what felt like my limit and didn’t have the energy to hold space for more clients. And so I kept crashing back into a reality of lack, my income dropped, and I was living off my savings once again.

In 2017, I had the idea to write out a series of affirmations specifically around creating daily cash flow in my business. I began with just 10 affirmations—and was elated to see that in the 10 minutes I had typed them out on my computer, a client had sent me a $500 payment. Within the next week, I made a total of $4,000. I knew I was onto something—but my results weren’t yet consistent.

About a year later, I added a long, detailed list of affirmations to the initial 10, describing very specifically the exact reality I wanted to create. Then, I turned them into an audio recording that I listened to daily before going to sleep. That’s when things really began to shift …

(An extended edition of this recording is now available in my Abundance Affirmations Audio Bundle, which is also included as a bonus in the Manifest Your Dream Life program.)

2. I changed directions in my business.

In the beginning of 2019, I had a few months’ worth of rent left in my bank account. I knew I had to change something, and the time was NOW. I was open to pretty much any solution at that point—even getting a job for a while to rebuild stability so I could restart my business without the constant stress and pressure of having to figure things out asap.

I got some support from a local organization, received a couple of coaching sessions, and attended some workshops that ended up being exactly what I needed. During that time, I got the guidance I needed to reconnect with my greatest strengths and passions, without any attachment to a specific path I was going to take. What stood out to me was that I was feeling much more excited about pursuing a more creative direction with my work than I was about keeping my coaching business alive. It felt light, joyful, and effortless.

As if by magic, the opportunities started coming. Clients reached out to me out of nowhere to seek my support with some first projects. I LOVED it! And finally, I wrote a big announcement post on Facebook to share that I was officially available for a few different creative services.

THE offer that resonated big time with my audience was my oracle deck creation service. Within days, I filled my calendar with sales calls, and a month or so later, I booked my first project. The projects kept coming, and for the past 4 years, I’ve been blessed to help so many intuitive business owners, healers, and creatives design and publish their oracle card decks.

3. I applied my Human Design strategy correctly.

When I took my first steps back into the creative world, I didn’t know this yet, but: Very intuitively, I began to apply my Human Design strategy and authority correctly. Having the support I needed and being open to new possibilities allowed me to relax enough to finally trust my own natural way of creating again. (Which was exactly what I had done in the past when I started my first creative business.)

A few months after restarting my publishing business, I randomly came across a Facebook post about Human Design that piqued my interest.

I already knew that I was a Generator, but for the first time, I dove deeper into the specifics of my design and learned about my unique strategy and inner authority. I discovered that as a Generator, I’m not here to initiate (which applies to most types), but my most natural way to move through life is to wait for the opportunities to come to me and respond to them using my authority (in my case: emotional authority). If I can fully trust and relax into that natural creative process, I’ll always attract opportunities like a magnet, and all I need to do is say yes to the right ones.

All of a sudden, it made complete sense that my coaching business had felt like such a struggle. So much of what I had learned from others in the industry completely went against my design. I was rushing into decisions when I should have waited for emotional clarity. I was putting in way too much effort and initiating when it would have been natural for me to just wait and allow. I was struggling to grow my business using my own Facebook groups while going out to meet others in existing communities would have been much more aligned for me. Just to name a few examples.

In the past several years, experimenting with my Human Design has totally changed the way I do everything in my business. As a result, I’ve been able to create SO much more ease and consistency, and I’ve build a solid foundation for sustainable long-term success that doesn’t break down the minute I stop working. I can take time off, not promote my business at all for a while, and still be fully booked with projects.

4. I aligned my marketing strategy with my vision for consistent, effortless cash flow.

I will begin by saying that even though I’m great at strategizing, making decisions solely based on what makes sense logically rarely works for me. Rather than mapping out a strategy and then implementing it based on a plan, I allowed it to evolve naturally according to what flowed best for me.

A few months before I even knew that I was going to be supporting clients with my oracle deck creation and publishing services, I “randomly” felt inspired to write a first blog post about that exact topic. (I had published my own decks in the past and was already teaching what I knew in my Create & Publish Your Own Oracle Deck self-study course.) Over time, I wrote a few more. And within about a year, several highly targeted articles made it all the way to page #1 on Google.

I’ve always been good at SEO and was a professional web content creator in the past, so it made sense for me to leverage my experience in my marketing. Once I had completed my first projects and worked with more clients, I also began to receive a lot of referrals. And finally, quite a few of my clients have returned for more support again and again.

I didn’t plan this when I got started on this new journey. It fell into place naturally, simply because I was trusting my intuition and following what felt most aligned and inspired for me in each moment.

Want More Support to Make Your Freedom-Based Life & Business a Reality?

I’m excited to announce that for the first time in 4 years, I’m opening a few coaching spots for soul-inspired entrepreneurs ready to make their BEST life and business happen. If you’re feeling called, I invite you to reach out to me or fill out the application form to explore what working together could look like and how I can best support you on your journey.

Anna Frolik