EP#1: Human Design, the Gene Keys + Creating More EASE in Your Business

Join myself and Timothy Brainard as we explore the magic of Human Design, the Gene Keys, and how applying the wisdom of these systems to your own journey can help you create more ease, flow, abundance, and fulfillment in your life and business!

On my own journey, discovering my Human Design has been absolutely life-changing this year! After a time of feeling painfully disconnected from myself and my own calling, I had already begun to find my way back to my own natural way of creating by listening to my intuition and body wisdom. However, when I stumbled upon Human Design, all of what I had discovered (and what was already working for me in real life) began to make sense on a whole new level.

While I had always believed that listening to our own inner guidance and embracing what is most natural for us is key to creating true success in a way that can’t just be measured in numbers, but that is deeply fulfilling on a soul level, too, studying my Human Design has really helped me understand the specifics of WHY certain strategies work perfectly for some people while for others a completely different path might be much more appropriate.

For instance, I learned that as a Generator (my Human Design type), it’s actually natural for me to wait for the right opportunities to come to me rather than chasing after them. This simple shift alone has been completely transformational for me this year, and has allowed for so much more ease, joy, and abundance in all areas of my life.

For most of us, trusting what is most natural for us is a big leap to make—since we’ve typically been trained to do the exact opposite all our lives. Exploring my own Human Design has been an extraordinarily insightful way for me to understand my own unique way of creating, and has given me a whole new perspective on how the conditioning of the human mind can interfere with how we’re naturally built to navigate this journey of life.

More recently, I had an opportunity to dive into my Human Design as well as my Gene Keys (a system related to Human Design) even more deeply in a session with Tim—and I was absolutely amazed at the wisdom that came through.

Much of what he shared with me confirmed things I already knew and felt intuitively, and that I was already living, but the way he was able to put all the nuances of my own journey and life experience into words completely blew me away.

I couldn’t just tell that he had studied both Human Design and the Gene Keys in depth for many years, but I felt seen in a way I had rarely experienced before. (And I have worked with MANY guides, healers, and coaches over the years.) Throughout our ~90 minutes together, I witnessed Tim as a highly gifted intuitive, great listener, and skilled guide with an incredible treasure of wisdom to share.

The insights I received in my session with Tim have been exceptionally helpful as I’ve been navigating my shift into a new phase in my business over this past month.

This is why I felt compelled to ask him for the interview/conversation which you’ll find in the above video—hoping to help spread the word about this important work, and to give YOU an opportunity to experience it for yourself if you feel called.

To learn more about Tim and his work, visit:


0:30 - Human Design, the Gene Keys, and a Mirror Session (Anna)
2:50 - Introduction to the Standard Mirror Session (Tim)
4:45 - Introduction to the Specialized Mirror Session (Ideal Dietary Regimen)
5:55 - Introduction to WholeSystem Human
6:55 - Introduction to The Ukebug
8:05 - Journey with the Body (Anna)
9:15 - The Holistic Significance of ‘Relationship’ (Tim)
10:15 - Primary Conditioning Factors (Environment + Food)
10:45 - Disembodied Food Goals
11:05 - Cracking Jokes
11:20 - A Personal Story of Chronic Discomfort
11:55 - Research + Experimentation (Studying Human Health + Healing)
12:45 - A Story About the Best Smoothie Ever Invented
*13:40 - Introducing My Digestive Type
*14:40 - The Benefit of Understanding My Own Body
*15:25 - The Process of Learning About + Honoring One’s Own Needs
*15:35 - Being Prepared for the Experiment of a Lifetime
16:10 - Journey with Food, Allergies, and Relationship (Anna)
18:35 - Learning through the Ongoing Journey (Tim)
18:50 - My Initial Experiments (Timing + Observations)
21:15 - Feeling Disconnected + Expanding Beyond the Strategies (Anna)
23:30 - Discovering What Works through Human Design (Anna)
24:35 - Experiencing the Mirror Session: Where to Begin (Tim)
*25:15 - Laying a Functional Foundation
*25:35 - The Trick to Business, Productivity, Creativity
*26:00 - An Example: Focusing on Your Career or Business
*27:25 - The Ultimate End is So Obvious That We Miss It
*28:00 - Being Who-You-Are is Not Lazy or Unproductive
29:15 - Nothing Else Works Anymore (Anna)
30:10 - Making a Decision (Anna)
31:55 - The Main Work I’m Doing Right Now (Anna)
33:15 - At First, Ease Does Not Come Easily (Tim)
*33:35 - Experts at Going About Things the Hard Way
*34:05 - The Hard Work of Allowing Ease
*34:55 - Until You’ve Lived It, You Can’t Know
35:30 - Feeling into the Space of Anything-Can-Happen (Anna)
36:15 - Learning to Embrace the Adventure (Anna)
38:10 - The Practice of Relaxing into Trust (Anna)
38:50 - The Value of Gathering Evidence (Tim)
*39:25 - What If I Don’t Know What My Calling Is?
40:25 - An Example: Achieving Success + Finding it Painfully Empty
*41:55 - Closing My Business to Feel into What’s Actually Authentic
43:05 - A Couple More Business Stories + Moving into Magic (Anna)
*47:40 - How Can We Simplify + Live Inside Our Very Best Ideas? (Tim)
*48:35 - The Interesting Thing About the Body
*48:45 - No Doorway More Appropriate or Available
*49:10 - Introduction to Body Listening
*49:50 - Step 1: Your Body is Intelligent
*49:55 - Step 2: Your Body Communicates
*50:25 - Harmonizing Mind + Body
*50:40 - Step 3: Learning to Listen to the Body
*51:10 - Step 4: Interpreting the Body’s Language
*51:30 - The Benefits of Befriending Yourself
*51:50 - Becoming Present through Sensation
52:40 - Practicing Feeling (Anna)
*54:40 - The Link Between Body Listening + Business (Tim)
*54:50 - Blurring the Lines Between Categories
55:40 - How to Connect with Me Online

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